Haiti judge accuses President’s widow and ex-PM of murder plot

The statements of Martine Moïse about the president’s assassination “are so riddled with contradictions that they leave much to be desired and discredit her,” according to the order issued by the investigating judge.

Judge Walther Voltaire, investigating the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021, issued a final report this Monday in which he formally accused his widow Martine Moïse, former Prime Minister Claude Joseph and the former director of the National Police of Haiti, Léon Charles, among others.

“There are consistent charges and sufficient evidence to justify their responsibility in the acts of which they are accused,” according to the decision of the magistrate, who refers them “to the Criminal Court, meeting without the assistance of a jury, to be tried for the acts of association to commit a crime, armed robbery, terrorism, murder and complicity in murder, crimes committed to the detriment of Jovenel Moise.”

Charles, who is now Haiti’s permanent representative to the Organization of American States, faces the most serious charges: murder; attempted murder; illegal possession and carrying of weapons; criminal association against the internal security of the State, and association of criminals.

For their part, Martine Moïse and Joseph are accused of complicity and criminal association.

As for Moise’s widow, her statements about the president’s assassination “are so riddled with contradictions that they leave much to be desired and discredit her,” according to the order issued by the investigating judge.

Magistrate Voltaire sent his 122-page order to a prosecutor who will now inform the people linked to the accusation. The next step will be for the president of the Haitian Supreme Court to organize a trial.

Moise was tortured and murdered on July 7, 2021 at his residence in Port-au-Prince by a group of mercenaries, mostly Colombians. In the attack his wife was injured, so that same day she was transferred to Miami (United States).

Nearly 50 suspects were charged in the 122-page report released.

Another 11 suspects have been extradited to the United States and charged in connection with the homicide. Three of them have already been sentenced.

US prosecutors have said it was a plot orchestrated in Haiti and Florida to hire mercenaries to kidnap or kill Moïse, who was 53 when he was murdered in her private home.

Nearly 50 suspects were charged in the 122-page report released.

Another 11 suspects have been extradited to the United States and charged in connection with the homicide. Three of them have already been sentenced.

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