At least 24 migrants trying to reach Spain in a boat die in Senegal

The French Navy is collaborating in the search for the rest of the passengers of the boat, which left with 280 people with the aim of reaching Spain.

At least 24 migrants who left for Spain from Senegal died this Wednesday after the boat they were traveling in capsized off the coast of Saint-Louis, in the northwest of the African country, emergency services reported.

According to sources from the fire service cited this Thursday by the Senegalese public news agency APS, the French Navy is collaborating in the search for the rest of the passengers of the boat, which left with 280 people with the aim of reaching Spain from Joal-Fadiouth. , a town in Senegal located southeast of Dakar.

Rescue operations are still underway, especially on the border between Senegal and Mauritania, where Saint-Louis is located.

The bodies of the victims were taken to the morgue of the regional hospital in the city of Saint-Louis.

Senegal is a country of origin and transit of migrants who try to reach the Spanish Canary Islands (Atlantic Ocean) irregularly, a route that reached record numbers in 2023 and greater than those registered in 2006, when the so-called “crisis” took place. of the cayucos”, in which 31,678 people arrived at the archipelago.

The migratory route between the African coast and the Spanish islands is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, with a mortality rate in recent years of one victim for every twenty survivors, double that of the Mediterranean Sea.

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