Tshisekedi sworn as DR Congo President after disputed elections

After unsuccessful attempts to re-run the Presidential elections, Félix Tshisekedi officially started his second term as DR Congo’s President.

Following a controversial election in December, Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi took the oath of office for his second term on Saturday.

He vowed to work for the unity, strength and prosperity of the Central African nation and to safeguard the lives of the people in the eastern region, where armed groups have caused violence and displacement.

Tshikedi, who is 60 years old, addressed a crowd of dignitaries and supporters at the inauguration ceremony, which was attended by several African leaders. He said he was grateful for the trust that the Congolese people had placed in him. “We want a more united, stronger and prosperous Congo,” he said.

He also recalled his first inauguration in 2019, which was the first peaceful handover of power in Congo’s history since it gained independence from Belgium in 1960.

According to the official results announced by the election commission, Tshisekedi won more than 70% of the votes cast in the presidential election. However, the opposition and some civil society groups challenged the credibility of the election, which faced many logistical difficulties.

Some polling stations opened late or not at all, while others lacked essential materials such as ballots and ink. The election commission also reported a low voter turnout of 40%.

The opposition’s attempt to overturn the election results was unsuccessful, as the constitutional court dismissed a petition filed by one of the candidates earlier this month. The court said there was no evidence of fraud or irregularities and confirmed that Tshisekedi had obtained “a majority of votes cast.”

The opposition called on its supporters to boycott the inauguration and to stage protests against what they called a “constitutional coup”. However, there were no reports of major demonstrations or clashes in the capital, Kinshasa, on Saturday.

Congo is a vast country with a population of more than 100 million people and abundant natural resources, such as minerals, forests and hydroelectric potential. However, it has been plagued by economic and security problems for decades, due to poor governance, corruption, conflict and disease.

According to the United Nations, one in four Congolese people suffers from acute or severe food insecurity, which means they do not have enough food to meet their basic needs.

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