Colorado judges face threats after Donald Trump disqualification

Police in Colorado are conducting an investigation into threats made against judges who ruled that Donald Trump cannot be listed on the state’s presidential primary ballot.

The Denver Police have increased patrols around the homes of these justices, with assistance from the Denver FBI office.

The ruling by Colorado’s Supreme Court cited a clause in the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which disqualifies candidates who have engaged in insurrection. The majority of the court’s 4-3 decision concluded that Mr. Trump’s actions during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, amount to insurrection.

Shortly after news of the ruling was publicized, a non-partisan research group called Advance Democracy reported a significant number of threats against the judges. These threats included posts published on various platforms containing personal information, such as the judges’ addresses and phone numbers. Some posts called for violent acts, causing deep concern for law enforcement authorities.

In response, the Denver Police have emphasized their commitment to thoroughly investigating these reports while considering privacy concerns. The police have stated that they will take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of the judges and their families. The Denver FBI office is lending its support to the local police in their investigation.

Daniel J Jones, president of Advance Democracy, has warned of the significant violent language and threats being made against the Colorado justices and others perceived to be responsible for the Supreme Court ruling. He expressed concern about the normalization of such violent rhetoric and stressed the importance of law enforcement taking action to protect the wellbeing of those targeted.

Alongside the threats and warnings of violence, there have been unevidenced allegations suggesting that the extreme rhetoric is a “trap” or “false flag” designed to provoke law-abiding Donald Trump supporters into committing acts of violence. Despite these claims, some individuals expressed their support for targeted violence against the judges, even if they believe it to be a trap.

The Colorado case was brought by a liberal watchdog group and a coalition of anti-Trump Republican and independent voters. While the ruling has been criticized by Donald Trump and his campaign, who deem it “deeply flawed,” legal experts predict that challenging the decision in the US Supreme Court, which has a conservative-leaning, will be an uphill battle.

Donald Trump’s Republican challengers have rallied around him on this issue, echoing his accusations of unfair targeting by the judicial system. Meanwhile, Democrats are concerned that the court ruling will further fuel Mr. Trump’s insistence that he is being unjustly singled out.

Donald Trump has until January 4 to appeal the Colorado ruling. However, legal experts suggest that the decision may unlikely withstand the scrutiny of the US Supreme Court given its current composition.

Throughout the holiday weekend, Mr. Trump took to his own social media platform, Truth Social, to express his criticisms of the Colorado decision and the numerous other legal cases he is facing.

As the investigation into the threats against the Colorado judges unfolds, law enforcement agencies remain vigilant in ensuring the safety of those involved.

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