White House reveals North Korea’s missile transfer to Russia

The White House declassifies information regarding North Korea’s involvement in Russia’s conflict with Ukraine.

The White House announced that North Korea had supplied Russia with ballistic missiles and launchers, confirming intelligence that some of these weapons were utilized by Russia in its ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

The disclosure, based on newly declassified information, was conveyed by National Security spokesperson John Kirby during a press briefing.

Kirby informed reporters that the United States intends to bring this concerning development to the attention of the United Nations Security Council. Describing North Korea’s transfer of arms to Russia as a significant escalation, he emphasized the intention of the U.S. to impose additional sanctions on individuals involved in facilitating these arms deals.

According to Kirby, recent intelligence suggests that North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, had supplied ballistic missile launchers and multiple ballistic missiles to Russia. He further stated that Russian forces had deployed at least one of these North Korean ballistic missiles into Ukraine, with indications that it landed in an open field.

While addressing concerns about Iran’s involvement, Kirby clarified that Iran had not provided close-range ballistic missiles to Russia. However, the U.S. government is under the belief that Russia is considering the procurement of missile systems from Iran.

Notably, Russia has heavily relied on Iran for various armaments, including drones, in the context of its conflict with Ukraine. Recent reports indicate a significant increase in Russia’s military actions against Ukraine, with Kyiv reporting over 300 instances of attack drones and missiles targeting cities across Ukraine in the span of several days.

The escalation of missile deployments and intensified strikes by Russia against Ukraine has raised international concerns and prompted the U.S. to not only disclose this information but also take steps to address and potentially mitigate the situation through diplomatic channels and the imposition of sanctions.

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