US and UK warn about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Moscow

In a security update, it was mentioned that information about plans for extremist attacks, possibly targeting crowded events in Moscow, has been received.

The United States and the United Kingdom embassies in Russia have issued an urgent warning about the possibility of a terrorist attack in Moscow within the next 24 to 48 hours. The announcement advises American citizens to stay away from large gatherings.

In a security update, it was mentioned that information about plans for extremist attacks, possibly targeting crowded events in the Russian capital, such as concerts, has been received. The alerts did not provide specific details about the nature of the threat or potential perpetrators. Diplomatic representations advised citizens to remain vigilant and follow updates from local media to stay informed.

On the other hand, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) revealed on March 7th that it had thwarted an attack, allegedly planned by the Islamic State, on a synagogue in Moscow. The suspects were neutralized during the operation. It remains unclear whether this incident is directly related to the warnings issued by the U.S. and British embassies.

The embassies have also issued recommendations for citizens to be alert to their surroundings and avoid high-traffic areas as a preventive measure against the detected threat. The situation is still unfolding, and relevant authorities are working to ensure the safety of both locals and foreigners against potential acts of violence.

“The embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to attack large gatherings in Moscow, including concerts,” specified the Embassy’s website, emphasizing the seriousness of the alert issued for the upcoming days. The urgency of this communication reflects the growing concern for the safety of foreign citizens amid a potential escalation of violence.

The FSB revealed that the detained cell, associated with ISIS-Khorasan, was in the preparation phase for an armed attack against synagogue attendees, highlighting the volatility of the security situation in Russia. During the intervention, Russian special forces faced resistance, resulting in the “neutralization” of the militants. Firearms, ammunition, and components for making an improvised explosive device were seized at the scene, indicating the level of preparation and intent behind the thwarted plan.

This situation occurs within a context of heightened tensions between Russia and the West, particularly with the United States. The war in Ukraine has marked the peak of these frictions since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Russia has repeatedly accused the U.S. of indirect involvement in the conflict by providing economic, military, and intelligence support to Ukraine.

The presence and activity of ISIS-Khorasan in the Kaluga region, working to establish a caliphate spanning from Afghanistan to Iran, underscore the complexity of the global security landscape. This group, emerging in eastern Afghanistan in late 2014, is known for its extreme brutality and represents a multifaceted threat that transcends national borders.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy maintains its recommendation for American citizens to leave Russia as soon as possible, highlighting the seriousness with which the security alert is being taken. The situation will continue to be closely monitored as Russian authorities and foreign representations in the country assess the evolution of the threat.

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