Iran executes four individuals accused of spying for Israel

Iran regime carried out the execution of four individuals, including a woman, on Friday, as reported by the official Iranian news agency, IRNA. These individuals had been sentenced to death by a tribunal in the Islamic Republic after being found guilty of espionage for Israel’s Mossad Intelligence services.

Gallow, as the one used by Iran for executions

The four individuals, purportedly Iranian, were executed in the province of West Azerbaijan, in the country’s northwest. They had been detained in October of the previous year alongside six others and were tried on charges of “sabotage” and “espionage for the Zionist entity,” clarified IRNA without specifying the sentences for the remaining six.

“Execution was carried out this Friday against four members of a sabotage team linked to the Zionist entity, who committed large-scale acts against the country’s security under the direction of Mossad agents,” stated IRNA.

“These group members received money from agents of the Zionist entity and Mossad officials on several occasions in exchange for the tasks they completed, and they communicated directly with Mossad officials,” it further added.

According to the Iranian Judiciary, members of “this network… carried out tasks assigned by the Zionist intelligence service with the intention of disrupting national security through methods of assassination, kidnapping, destruction, and arson.”

This event marks the latest in a series of executions and death sentences in Iran.

On the 16th of the previous month, Iranian authorities implemented capital punishment against a man convicted of spying for foreign intelligence services, including Mossad.

The Islamic Republic and Israel stand as staunch enemies, representing a mutual existential threat. They compete for regional hegemony and engage in a covert war involving cyber-attacks, assassinations, and sabotage.

Iran holds the distinction of being the leading country globally in the application of the death penalty, with 576 executions carried out in 2022, marking a substantial increase from the 314 recorded the previous year, according to Amnesty International.

In the ongoing year of 2023, Iran has executed over 750 individuals, the majority for crimes related to drug trafficking and possession, as reported by human rights groups based in Europe.

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