Israel bombs a Hezbollah military complex

Meanwhile, Hezbollah claimed four attacks towards Israel on Wednesday, three with rockets and one with mortars.

Israeli aviation attacked a Hezbollah military complex in Hula, southern Lebanon, as well as observation posts in the areas of Kfarkela and Yarun on Wednesday, following the launching of several rounds of rockets towards Israel.

“Throughout the day, multiple launches towards the areas of Har Dov, Yir’on, Misgav Am, and Margaliot in northern Israel were identified. In response, the Israel Defense Forces targeted the sources of fire,” a military statement said.

The Israeli military also noted that during the morning, their troops targeted a military complex in the village of Qantara, in southern Lebanon, where there was “a terrorist,” and another in Ghandouriyeh.

The Lebanese Shiite militia Amal, an ally of Hezbollah, announced in a statement the death of its member Muhammad Ali Musa Qumeiha, who lost his life “while carrying out his national and combat duty in defense of Lebanon and the south,” according to the note, which does not offer further details on the circumstances of his death.

Although Hezbollah is the main actor in the crossfire with Israel, other Lebanese groups and Palestinian factions present in Lebanon have also been involved to a lesser extent in the battle.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah claimed four attacks towards Israel on Wednesday, three with rockets and one with mortars “identifying impacts,” they said, although Israeli authorities have not reported any damage or injuries.

Two Israeli soldiers were injured on Tuesday in another intense day of crossfire, in which Hezbollah claimed up to eight attacks with rockets, missiles, and artillery towards Israel.

“Israeli artillery responded to the sources of fire, and a suspicious aerial target crossed from Lebanon into Israeli territory in the Yiftach area in northern Israel, which was successfully intercepted,” the Israeli military said yesterday, whose aviation also bombed Hezbollah structures in Ayta ash Shab, Meiss El Jabal, Al-Adisa, Naqoura, and Kfarkela.

The border between Israel and Lebanon is experiencing its highest peak of tension since 2006 with intense exchange of fire for over five months that has claimed the lives of at least 340 people, mostly on the Lebanese side and among Hezbollah ranks, which has confirmed 233 militia casualties, some in Syria.

In Israel, 17 people have died in the north (10 military and 7 civilians); while across the border, at least 323 people have died, including 40 members of Palestinian militias and one Lebanese soldier, in addition to Hezbollah fighters.

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