Netanyahu defies international pressure: “The war will not stop”

The statement specifically addressed the legal actions initiated by South Africa over genocide claims, as well as threats from different armed groups.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared today that the conflict in the Gaza Strip against the militant group Hamas will persist “until the end.”

In a televised address to the nation, Netanyahu emphasized that “The war will not stop either because of The Hague or because of the threats of the axis of evil”, referring to the legal procedings initiated by South Africa against Israel over claims of genocide, as well as threats by different armed groups.

The term “axis of evil” encompassed Hamas, the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah, and Yemen’s Houthis—groups purportedly with Iranian backing that have conducted numerous attacks on Israel in recent months.

“We are committed to victory, and we will persist until we achieve it. No compromise binds us, and no entity can impede our progress”, stated the Israeli Prime Minister, pledging increased budgetary allocations to support the ongoing conflict.

Netanyahu reiterated the commitment to eliminate Hamas permanently and retrieve the hostages, framing the war as not solely Israel’s concern but a global one.

Characterizing it as a struggle between the “children of light” and the “children of darkness,” Netanyahu positioned the conflict against the axis led by Iran, including the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Hamas. He assured that the events of October 7 would not recur.

Netanyahu delivered this statement shortly before the commencement of a 24-hour mass protest in Tel Aviv, initiated by families of the kidnapped individuals. The protest aimed to mark the 100th day of the war, urging the government to take all necessary measures for the prompt return of the captives.

Currently, an estimated 136 individuals remain captive within the Gaza Strip, with 25 presumed deceased.

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